This post will be helpful to reference as you read though the various blogs about perceptions of birth control. This is a comprehensive list of possible contraceptive methods.
Non hormonal
Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs)
sympto-thermal methods
sympto-hormonal methods
cervical fluid only methods
Copper IUD*
Tubal ligation
Spermicide** (to used in combination with other barrier methods)
Progestin only (progestin is synthetic progesterone)
Mini pill
Depo-Provera Shot
Implants (Nexplanon)
Mirena IUD
Skyla IUD
Estrogen & Progestin Hormone Methods
The Pill (a catch all for 40+ combinations of different types of synthetic estrogen and 4 generations of progestins)
The patch
Vaginal ring
Barrier methods
Male condoms
Female condoms
Dental dam
Cervical cap
*Though the copper IUD is said to be non-hormonal, having a foreign object in the uterus is not natural and high levels of copper in the blood have been known to cause copper toxicity and disrupt estrogen. The copper IUD works by disrupting vaginal ph and cervical fluid and making the womb inhospitable to implantation.
**Spermicide disrupts vaginal ph and stops sperm from reaching the egg.